Monday, August 31, 2009

Wow, It Worked!

I got $125 in commissions today as promised.  I have been looking over the opportunities that I have signed up for.  In principal they are all sound opportunities.  I just need to figure out how to take this to the next level--that's code for getting it to make more money for me.

In all of what I am doing here, I truly want to provide a service and that is finding really good opportunities for money making and in the process make some money myself.  What I do not want is to make money with false promises, or scams.  The thing with is that you need to know about affiliate marketing or else you'll sign up but not know where to start.

You really should sign up with Wealthy Affiliates and People Search to get the most from this.  Then you should expect start slowly as you learn, but if you don't give up you will be successful.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Could This Be A Mistake.

I signed up for an affiliate program promoting people search engines.  I did it because it provides multiple income streams, but I am beginning to think I may have made a mistake, because I am still new at this and I can't imagine how I am going to article market this.  I think a pay per click approach would work better, but I have promised myself not to do that until this article thing starts making money.  By the way I have made $165.37 in profits so far.

Anyway, I now have a people search engine site and a promise that I will make $125 in commissions in two days, we'll see.  After I signed up I was given this website  I had to pay for hosting.  I'll let you know if I get $125 in two days or more.  I don't know exactly what the .ws is, but I do know that these domains are much cheaper than .com ones.

Make Your First Commission of $125 With In Two Days Guaranteed!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Be Patient.

Well, I have found out that it pays to be patient.  Once I joined Wealthy Affiliates I rushed too fast and made several mistakes.  My advice is to follow the 8 week action plan.  As I read it I could instantly see where I had made some mistakes--sigh.  I am a "learn by doing" kind of person so it is no wonder that I rushed things a bit.

Another thing I am discovering is that Ezine and seem to get your articles more attention.  So far I have no sales, but I am getting click throughs.  Make sure you go to Google analytics and hook as many of you web pages to it as you can it is an unbelieveable resource.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Where To Start

Today I am going to submit my first articles.  I am not sure I have the keyword ideas down yet, but I learn best by doing. So here goes.  From my research I have found that and are the place to start.  We'll see.

One thing I have found is that when you start to research affiliate marketing everyone and I mean everyone seems to want to sell you something.  So if you join Wealthy Affiliates are some other legit marketing school, beware.  Even in these places greenhorns will be hit up for every imaginable marketing scheme by other members of that site.

Some offers are good, but you need to be the judge of what works for you and what doesn't.

Until Next Time,


Friday, August 21, 2009

A Little More About Keywords.

I just want to explain a little more about keywords. These can be anything from a single word to a complete sentence and they are what search engines use to find your article or place your ad. If a person types in a search term like "Yellow Bananas" and you have "yellow bananas" as one of your keywords then your page could be referenced by the search engine.

There are other factors to consider. If 15,000,000 other people have "yellow Bananas" as a keyword on their web page then your page may be buried under a mountain load of search results. So the trick is to find a search term people are using that is relatively high. You can use Google's Keyword tool for this. Then you can check that key word out by typing it into google using quotation marks and in the upper right hand corner of the search page you should see how many pages have that key word. The lower that number is the better.

An Example
Let's say I go to Google Keyword search too and type in "yellow bananas"; it shows that there is an average monthly search volume of 1900 searches. That is pretty good. Now I type the same term in quotes into Google; it shows that there are 32,800 unique pages with this keyword. That is a lot of competition. I really want my competition to be in the 4 digit range. If it had been then I would have written an article on "Yellow Bananas" and would have stood a good chance of it being listed high in the search results.

Until next time,

Wealthy Affiliate University
Strip That Fat

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Niche Marketing.

Today I learned about niche marketing. In essence you find a niche that relatively no one has filled and you pitch your product to that niche. I have chosen dieting since I have some expert knowledge of that area. Now to find a niche, I am supposed to use a keyword search and find a keyword that has a fairly high search rate on google. Next I check to see how many people out there are using that key word in their articles. If the ratio is a relatively high search rate to a low use rate then I am to write an article around that keyword. This is suppose to boost my article near the top of the search page for anyone using it to search the Internet. So far it all makes since to me on paper. But will it work when I try it?

One thing good that has come out of this is the discovery of great new diets to try. I can go through the offerings and weed out the bad and ugly ones and promote only the good ones. Strip That Fat is a great one. I am trying this one right away and if it is as good as it sounds then I will market it. I chose this one because it lets you create the diet out of foods you already like to eat. How cool is that?

Next time I'll let you know how article writing is going.

Wealthy Affiliate University
Strip That Fat

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Well, I have spent two days now studying at Wealthy Affiliates University and I have figured out that affiliate marketing in a nutshell is driving people to Internet businesses for a commission and that there are basically three ways.
  1. Buy advertising.
  2. Write informational articles and submit them to article web sites.
  3. Search engine optimization—that is making a website and getting search engines to list it near the top.
I can't afford buying anything right now so I am going to opt for number 2
—no this is not an attempt at bathroom humor. I like writing so I figure I will go for this option and start writing.

Until next time, CW

>>Check it out for yourself - Wealthy Affiliates University<<

Sunday, August 16, 2009

My Money Experiment

Well I know I said I wouldn't post on the weekend, but after paying my fee and opening Wealthy Affiliates I was shocked and overwhelmed. This place is NO scam, but it is also overwhelming to me at the moment. There is so much information and tools I can't begin to absorb it all. If you don't believe me fork out $40 and check it out yourself.

I will begin to digest some of this info and share it here. Keep reading, I will tell it exactly as I see it.

Until next time, CW

Friday, August 14, 2009

My money making experiment.

This blog is about my health and wealth journeys and so far I have written mostly about my health. Today I am starting out on an experiment to try to earn some money on the Internet. I invite you to tag along and see how it works out. Except for the weekends and holidays I will give you a daily update here. For some time I have been interested in working from my computer to make some money. Lately I have become earnest and have begun researching the best way to do it. Affiliate marketing seems to be the best way for me since I do not have a product to sell or a warehouse to hold a product.

The basics of affiliate marketing are that you sell other peoples products and they pay you a commission. It is a simple model for making money and it has been around a lot longer than the Internet, but I was wondering how I could apply this to the Internet. You have to be able to reach a lot of people and unless you have an extremely popular website how are you going to do that. I ruled out spamming right off the bat, I hate it! I could spend my money advertising, but if I didn't know how to write the correct advertisements I would go down the crapper in a hurry while making google rich. By the way, do not run after any quick money schemes or easy Internet marketing schemes. I did and I shouldn't have. I wasted my money.

I also needed to focus on a specific product. Trying to sell everything would either waste my time or my money or both.

Today I am ready to take the plunge. After much research I am going to join Wealthy Affiliates University. I have looked every where on the web and this seems to be the best site to learn Internet marketing. I am only going to join for one month because I am still skeptical. I will post here how things go.

Until next time, CW

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Health & Wealth

Wow, what a day. My wife and I had the two grand babies over--enough said. It turns out that diet cookies don't work. Who would have believed that. Anyway if you are planning on a diet based on diet cookies, don't. Check out the story here.

It turns out that the best diets are really based on sound nutrition and as the old saying goes: If it sounds to good to be true it probably is.

Lose 2 - 3 pounds of body fat per week (Healthy).

Science Daily says studies show that weight loss improves mood in depressed people. I wonder what that really means--I mean, if I were depressed because I was overweight, well then of course it would improve my mood. Maybe depression can lead to obesity in some individuals. Who knows what these things mean, but I thought I'd pass it on.

I'm still making some spending money using holmes-people-search I can't call it wealth but as my dad use to say, "It's better than a kick in the teeth."

If you want to know more details visit here.

Until next time, CW

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Exercise won't make you thin.

Wow, I just read in the LA Times a story on a controversy about whether exercising helps you lose weight. It is true that you would have to do a lot of exercise to burn just the calories from one piece of pizza. You'd have to walk for an hour. It turns out that the body is pretty efficient.

I guess the upshot is:

  • exercise
  • diet correctly
  • drink plenty of water

Good eating principles are:

  1. Eat complex carbs instead of simple carbs.
  2. Eat food as close to its live state as possible. (eg. fresh fruits and veggies.)
  3. Drink Plenty of Water--is there an echo in here.
  4. Get planty of sleep--not too sure if this is an eating princaple, but ut works.

Until next time, CW

How I Make Extra Spending Money
Click Here to lose weight now!

Easy Fast Weight Loss Diets

I just compiled my top three picks for easy fast weight loss. The first two of these are free and I have tried all of these diets and they work.

#1 The Cabbage Soup Diet

#2 The Fruit Flush Diet

# 3 Strip That Fat

You can read my full compilation at My Top 3 Easy Fast Weight Loss Diets

Other than that I am heading out today to try and create a french drain--sigh. I also have all of my nieces and nephews over tonight for a fun carnival--heaven help me!

How I Make Extra Spending Money

Monday, August 10, 2009

Web Dreams

I've been thinking about a website lately, so I went ahead and began creating one. Since I have spent so much time on health topics in my life I decided to try different diets and then make an online dieting guide, a sort of what has worked for me and what has not.

Don't know how long I'll do it, but it is a creative outlet for now. I decided to call it The Diet Clearing House. Visit it anytime to see my progress.

>>Visit the diet clearing<<

Hopefully this link will take you there, I always have a hard time getting all of the correct stuff when I type a link. Any way there are some pretty good diets out there and some pretty bad ones. Sometimes it is all a metter of perspective, what is good for one person is absolutely terrible for the next guy. It is this way it is with my wife and me. If I like a diet she hates it, and if she loves it then I'll probably hate it--sigh.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

I have restless leg syndrome like you wouldn't believe so I spent a lot of last night doing people searches Ye gads, I found more old friends, a few enemies and a lot of people who share my name. I wrote a hub about it. If you want you can read it here. In order to get my complete search results free I had to sign up for some free genealogy accounts , but they ended up being fun also. Ah well, it passed the night. I though I might start a Christian Walker convention with all the CW's I found in the US. I even was able to see some of the people's houses.

As fun as it was, hopeful tonight I'll just sleep.

Dag, I just finished a week of the Cabbage Soup Diet . Suprisingly it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be and I lost 10 lbs. This week end I gained back 3.5 of those lbs at a wedding--sigh.

I have always promised myself that if I exceed 205 lbs I will go on a protien diet until I am back to 205, but I am rethinking that at this point. I think I will try eating only live food--no I will not go rutting after grubs in the yard! I will just eat raw veggies, fruit, and nuts until my weight is back at its set point. Boy was that wedding good!