Monday, November 9, 2009

Fishing For Words

Just like my last entry stated about fishing for the right product, you also need to fish for the right  keywords.  This can be a pain, but each time you throw an article in to the pond so to speak you will have to watch to see if it gets nibbles or bites on its keywords.

Sometimes you can have brilliant copy but your keywords are words that no one is researching in search engines.  As you monitor your articles in places like you should take note of those articles that start getting hits like crazy.  Check out the stats on such articles and see what keywords are getting the bites.  Once you have done that you now have those keywords to use in many different articles promoting your product.  All of this may seem confusing, but if you go to Wealthy Affiliate University and spend a measly $39 to check it out for a month you will be surprised at how much better you will understand it.  If you do, give me a shout.

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